Wednesday 22 June 2011

Week 11

This week was our review week, i came in pretty much everyday to finish any outstanding work. I added sound effects to my website, added animation to my website however i was having some trouble with this and still am.

I wanted to add the midcrophone animation but because i did it in Adobe Photoshop so it was harder to put into Dreamweaver.
I continued my investigations as well and improved them. I also completed my evaluation and stgarted to work on my action plan.

Friday 17 June 2011

Week 10

This week i looked at finishing my website, I interlinked all the pages and made each button a button. I added links to my images, video and blog online at YouTube, Blogger and Photobucket. I had now nearly finsihed my website, all i neededd was too add in the flash animation however i got very confused with this and was unsure how to do so as i had various animations done in Flash and Photoshop.

I added more to my moodboard and continued on with some unfinished investigations and paperwork. I also recorded my voice doing some voice overs for my website. Words such as Portfolio, Contact, Enter etc which i would like to add to my website if i get the time.

Week 9

This week i had started to load everything into Dreamweaver. I loaded everything up on the programme, and i put everything into the speicific folders (Root, HTML, Images etc). I had sometrouble getting everything to work within the programme as i got slightly stuck and didnt know where to start. After i had some help form my lecturer, looked online and gathered some help from my collegues i began to know what i wasdoing properly. I got all my pages in and it began looking like a proper website.
I also looked at gettting some webspace for when it is ready to be uploaded online.