Saturday 7 May 2011

Skills Profile

This is my skills profile for my web design assignment. I will be discussing about what i have learnt over the last month in web designing, and what i feel i have improved on.

I have learnt how to build a basic website using Flash, and Dreamweaver. I had used Dreamweaver in the past however I did not know that much on the programme. I learnt how to make my own font and use that in my website, and also giving them different effects.
  • Dreamweaver Skills
  • Extended Photoshop skills
  • Website building
  • Creating animations in Flash
Some things i am still uncertain on and am not 100% sure on is Flash. In the last project i had some difficulties with using it as i didnt fully understand it however i spoke to my lecturers, and also looked at some website tutorials which helped me a lot and got me focused. I feel a lot happier when using flash now though.

Some skills i feel i could improve on are:
  • Flash animation
  • Extended Dreamweaver techniques

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