Saturday 7 May 2011

Week 6

This was the week back after the 2/3 week half term that we had.

Over the half term i looked at some flash tutorial websites and on youtube which helped me a lot with some flash techniques. I looked at the site "Wix" which i had used before in making flash websites. It was a great website and was a very professional and clean site to use and i enjoyed playing around with that.

In Harry's lesson i started adding more things about me such as an On Air sign. I started looking at doing some animation, so i made a speaker image on my page vibrate to make it look like it was playing music, i also would like to make a flickering light effect on my On Air sign to make it look professional, although i was having some trouble with this and cannot find any good tutorials.

In Simon's lesson today i carried on with Dreamweaver and looked at some techniques i could use in my website, i began looking at tutorials from YouTube and other sites.

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