Wednesday 22 June 2011

Week 11

This week was our review week, i came in pretty much everyday to finish any outstanding work. I added sound effects to my website, added animation to my website however i was having some trouble with this and still am.

I wanted to add the midcrophone animation but because i did it in Adobe Photoshop so it was harder to put into Dreamweaver.
I continued my investigations as well and improved them. I also completed my evaluation and stgarted to work on my action plan.

Friday 17 June 2011

Week 10

This week i looked at finishing my website, I interlinked all the pages and made each button a button. I added links to my images, video and blog online at YouTube, Blogger and Photobucket. I had now nearly finsihed my website, all i neededd was too add in the flash animation however i got very confused with this and was unsure how to do so as i had various animations done in Flash and Photoshop.

I added more to my moodboard and continued on with some unfinished investigations and paperwork. I also recorded my voice doing some voice overs for my website. Words such as Portfolio, Contact, Enter etc which i would like to add to my website if i get the time.

Week 9

This week i had started to load everything into Dreamweaver. I loaded everything up on the programme, and i put everything into the speicific folders (Root, HTML, Images etc). I had sometrouble getting everything to work within the programme as i got slightly stuck and didnt know where to start. After i had some help form my lecturer, looked online and gathered some help from my collegues i began to know what i wasdoing properly. I got all my pages in and it began looking like a proper website.
I also looked at gettting some webspace for when it is ready to be uploaded online.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Week 8

This week i began starting my animation for the "On Air" icon. I created a flashing sequence so it flashes red to black multiple times which i will have in the top left hand corner of my web site. I began thinking about my 3rd and final animation, i wanted to have something regarding a microphone whether it be appearing or dissapearing. i began experimenting and after some time i chose to have a microphone on a stand like in a radio studio, drop down and appear on my main web page.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Week 7

This week i carried on with my website design in Photoshop. I added more pages and also created an animation for the speaker i have on my home page, so when you enter the home page it will have an animation as if the speaker was playing out music. I also added an on air icon at the top of the page, which i plan to make it flicker or go on and off when viewing my website. However i am looking around on Youtube for tutorials on this.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Week 6

This was the week back after the 2/3 week half term that we had.

Over the half term i looked at some flash tutorial websites and on youtube which helped me a lot with some flash techniques. I looked at the site "Wix" which i had used before in making flash websites. It was a great website and was a very professional and clean site to use and i enjoyed playing around with that.

In Harry's lesson i started adding more things about me such as an On Air sign. I started looking at doing some animation, so i made a speaker image on my page vibrate to make it look like it was playing music, i also would like to make a flickering light effect on my On Air sign to make it look professional, although i was having some trouble with this and cannot find any good tutorials.

In Simon's lesson today i carried on with Dreamweaver and looked at some techniques i could use in my website, i began looking at tutorials from YouTube and other sites.

Skills Profile

This is my skills profile for my web design assignment. I will be discussing about what i have learnt over the last month in web designing, and what i feel i have improved on.

I have learnt how to build a basic website using Flash, and Dreamweaver. I had used Dreamweaver in the past however I did not know that much on the programme. I learnt how to make my own font and use that in my website, and also giving them different effects.
  • Dreamweaver Skills
  • Extended Photoshop skills
  • Website building
  • Creating animations in Flash
Some things i am still uncertain on and am not 100% sure on is Flash. In the last project i had some difficulties with using it as i didnt fully understand it however i spoke to my lecturers, and also looked at some website tutorials which helped me a lot and got me focused. I feel a lot happier when using flash now though.

Some skills i feel i could improve on are:
  • Flash animation
  • Extended Dreamweaver techniques

Friday 8 April 2011

Week 3

This week i looked at my initial aims as i had now completed my techniques and similar & exsiting products. I spoke about what i had chosen to do for my web design, and what i where i got my idea from etc. In claires lesson this week i began to carry on with my investigations and get them out of the way. i was struggling on some parts of the investigation however i got through it and sorted out the problems. In simons lesson we looked at Dreamweaver and i got to know on the basics of Dreamweaver.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Week 5

Monday 4th april 2011 Today i began to carry on my work throuout Claire's lesson, working on my investigations and finishing any outstanding work for Claire. In Harrys afterboon lesson, we had some web designers come in to talk to us about the oppitunites in and around Chichester and talk to us about web design in general. I also carried on working on my legal and ethical considerations and moodboard. 6th April 2011 Today we carried on with our Dreamweaver lessons and learnt about CSS styles and created my own style sheet. I then worked on my web design and finished any outstanding work and my blog.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Week 4

This week we began to do more Dremaweaver tutorials and today we did slicing and rollover techniques on buttons. I managed to do rollover techniques so that when rolling over the buttons the button goes a slightly lighter colour to signify you have rolled over it. I also looked at the other techniques Dreamweaver has too offer. I began to work on my investigation and also our lectuer helped us in regards to making our own fonts design.

We also looked at geting pop up boxes to appear when clicking the certain link and also learnt how to put a pop up menu on the link to show consumers what the link does and where it goes.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Week 2


Started creating my production schedule, and finsihed it.


In Simons lesson today, we had our first lesson of Dreamweaver and made our first basic HTML website. It is important to do housekeeping so it is easier for you to know and access the files. It is also so Dreamweaver can find it more easily.

I linked pages together corretly, linking the home page and index page together. I created folders to store the pictuers and text used in our website which was the mian folder Root, then 3 folders within Root which were HTML, Images, and Raw files. This made it easier for me to find my files along with Dreamweaver recognizing them faster.

I inserted flash text and created a rollover button. I inserted other flash elements that included loop, inserting images via the image URL, and inserting borders around the website. I had a look at inserting flash buttons, however Dreamwevers own buttons are very basic and it would be more better and creative to make your own buttons.

Refreshing the attibutes panel will update any folders that have been imported etc.

We then looked at embedding YouTube videos within our website and using Iframes. Iframes - In a field of video compression a video frame is compressed using different algorithms with different advantages and disadvantages.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Week 1

We have looked at the specification for the new project and am aware of what we have to do, these include undestanding web page construction and HTML.

We started doing basic HTML on Notepad and i have included a print screen of what i have done.

I learnt coding such as body and titles and how to put in a hyperlinks for search engines such as Google and Yahoo.

I successfully added a different background and a video from YouTube.

We went on to do more HTML coding. Some examples of coding that i used today are: <